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Obama says hey Rahm


Washington, Nov 7, 2008 (ANI)
President elect Barack Obama has a selected his chief of staff and his name is Rahm. Though the name has nothing to do with the Hindu mythological figure of Ram, Indian Americans who are loyal Obama supporters are sure to be happy with the name that sounds so like the Hindu God.
Representative Rahm Emanuel is a former Clinton Administration official and a fellow member of Congress from Illinois and the President elect says that he selected Rahm for the crucial job because he has "deep insights into the challenging economic issues that will be front and center for our administration."
He informed Mr. Obama of his decision on Thursday morning, saying he would step down as the fourth-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives to help guide the Obama Administration.
Accepting the offer that Obama made, Emanuel said: "Now is a time for unity, and I will do everything in my power to help you stitch together the frayed fabric of our politics, and help summon Americans of both parties to unite in common purpose."
In a statement, he added: "Like the record amount of voters who cast their ballot over the last month, I want to do everything I can to help deliver the change America needs. We have work to do, and Tuesday Americans sent Washington a clear message get the job done."
Rahm is also called Rahmbo here in Washington due to his tough no nonsense approach to getting work done in a difficult town. He is a veteran of the Clinton Administration leading many to wonder whether there will be more appointments that Obama will make from that team.
Obama also named John Podesta, former Clinton White House chief of staff to lead his transition team. Both Rahm Emanuel and John Podesta are not representatives of the new brand of politics that Obama has promised the people.

Mr. Obama himself remained largely out of public view on Thursday. He went for a morning workout about 9:30 a.m., returning to his home about 90 minutes later. In the afternoon, he received his first intelligence briefing as the president-elect. He will speak to the media on Friday morning but it is unlikely that he will announce the names of the transition team.

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